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Monday, December 17, 2012

There are unlimited resources on the net to tell you how to do something. But

Hey CyberJunkie, Clean that Booger off Your Nose!
Well....., I got some good news and I got some bad news. It's come to my attention that some of you want to be cyberjunkies. Which do you want first? I'll give you the good news first. YOU can!! It's very simple. The bad news is: It's not easy and it could be messy.
Let's take a look at both.
Simple is as simple does. Most everyone reading this is somewhat computer savvy. At least you know how to turn the thing on and maneuver around,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots. So, I'm assuming you Haven't just brought it home and taken it out of the box.
Most too often, cyberjunkies get caught up in the way something works, the theory behind it and trying to logically make sense out of it. DON'T DO THAT!!
This is one of the main reasons cyberprofiting is not easy. WE make it hard. We make it hard in our own minds.
There are unlimited resources on the net to tell you how to do something. But, have you ever noticed how long it takes you to initiate action after you have completely read the book you just purchased? YOU make it hard on yourself! Just because you don't understand everything you read or completely follow what the author says, you say to yourself, I'll wait till I understand it.
Now, I've stopped talking to you and gone to preaching to myself.
I want to relay to you a short but amusing story,5825 Ugg Classic Short Grey Boots. When I first started on the internet it was late 1996. I was single, still am, hummm.........I wonder if that means anything,
Anyway, I was on AOL one night looking at ladies profiles. Well, all of a sudden, this window pops up on my screen and nearly scares the pee out of me. I thought my computer had gone to messing with my head. Anyway, the window had a send button, so I figured I could type something and send it back.
Well, This lady on the other end says to me after some short introductions, "Do you cyber"? I said, "what is cyber"? Now remember, I have only been on the internet less than a week. So, she says, "You know" Cyber. I said No, "What is cyber"? She said, "CYBER SEX" in all caps. Kinda like she was getting mad at me.
I said, almost nervously, I think my fingers were mumbling, "What is cyber sex"? She said, "You know, sex on a computer". I said, "Well, I guess it's ok unless you fall off". True story.
I tell you this because today I've gone from a total "know nothing" to running two full time businesses in cyberspace. I am a popular recording artist and have just completed my first album and working on my second. Yea, I just had to plug that.
And,apply a rubber sealant, I have a full time Internet Marketing business. But, don't we all? Ha! Music is my passion, and the internet business gives me the flexibility to pursue my passion. In fact,Get Smart, I'm writing an article on discovering your passion. Most people don't even know what their passion is.
So, the hardest thing in cyberspace you'll ever do is programming your mind to stop sabotaging your own efforts.
Action is the key to overcoming all sorts of non-understandable theory, ideas and concepts. Find ONE thing in the program, focus on that until you feel confident to move to the next one. I got news for'll never completely understand all the theories and concepts until you do begin to take action,5825 Ugg Classic Short Navy Boots.

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