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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

then we learned how to balance after hundreds of hard hitting falls

An element of a winning mind: FOCUS by Kevin Abdulrahman
Life is a game, and winning is the equivalent of success in what ever that is of importance to you in this world.
In your talks, you speak about A Winning Mind- Can you describe it in one sentence?
A Winning Mind is a very broad topic with which we can spend days discussing it. Just to touch on a few elements, A Winning Mind is a mind that is in control of emotions, a mind that is courageous, a mind that looks for the other side of the coin, a mind that is focussed on achieving their goals and desires. This is only but a few elements.
Let's talk about Focus. Tell us more about the importance of having Focus in your life.
Our lives are filled with events (big and small) that occur on a daily basis, that's the beauty of life. With so much going on, it requires those with A Winning Mind to stay on course without being distracted by surrounding influences. If you are not focussed you tend to lag behind in your commitments, your tasks and also achieving your goals. To be productive in your personal and professional life, you need to be focussed and able to deflect life's distractions.
How serious is this issue of lack of focus?
Think of the signal that streams to your satellite dish. When uninterrupted, it gives you a crystal clear picture on your TV. What happens when there is interference in the signal, due to say wind or thunderstorms? The signal is interrupted and as a result,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chocolate Boots, the picture on the screen is affected.
The signal is the focus. The picture on the screen is the result.
On the face of it, people don't realise the price they pay for not being focussed. Especially at a time like this, many have let the economical and environmental factors distract them. This distraction brings about lower productivity in people's personal lives. Within organisations, this had resulted in reduced productivity and therefore a reduction in potential earnings.
What about those who want to like a few things on their plate so to speak to get ahead?
This is a trap faced by most people wanting to win in their game of life. Sometimes it seems like you are getting ahead by having so much on your plate, but focussing on completing one task at a time actually helps you achieve more. It may be boring, it may look dull, but you will achieve more, one task at a time. I see so many young entrepreneurs who are always looking for the next best thing, who are always trying to put deals together, who feel that they need to have their fingers in every single pie that they hear of. What they don't realise is their energy is dissipated and they can not achieve the higher result they would have if focussed on a single task at a time.
Imagine you wanted to start a fire on a straw mat using a magnifying glass. Can you start a fire if you keep on moving the magnifying glass? We all know that one must hold the magnifying glass at a certain point over time in order to focus the rays from the sun. As a result, a fire is started by staying put and staying focussed. So I usually say, once you start a fire, then you can use that fire to start your other fires.
A well known icon focussed his skill of picking and buying stocks in undervalued companies and watched them flourish in their due time. As a result he amassed a great deal of wealth,5825 Ugg Classic Short Navy Boots. That man is Warren buffet, the second richest man in the world. He applied the simple principle of focus.
So how does one manage to do so without getting off course?
In what ever aspect of life, you must always ask yourself a simple question, 'what price will I have to pay'? What is the price that you will have to pay to remain focussed to achieve a given task? Once you have answered that,10. Share your success with others, you then ask yourself what is the price you will have to pay if you are distracted because life got in your way? Once you have both answers, you can weigh up which will cost you more. When I take my clients through this exercise, they usually realise that the price they pay for being distracted is much higher than the price of staying focussed. I also suggest to my clients that they have little rewards attached to completing a task, something to look forward to. This can be getting a cup of your favourite vanilla latte once you have finished your project, catching up with a friend once you have completed your assignments or going on vacation with your family once you close a specific business deal.
Can one obtain focus overnight?
It amazes me how many people are resistant to change in their environment or in the actions they have to take. Yet the same people have an expectation of immediate results,Giving Up Too Soon. You will find that like most things in life, focus becomes easier with practice and time.
We weren't born running, yet after learning how to move using our limbs, we learned to crawl, then we learned how to balance after hundreds of hard hitting falls, then we started to walk. After that we learned to run, then got on our bikes and learned to drive. Some of us have learned to fly and those who took it all they way even learned to get to the moon. The same applies with achieving immense focus in your life,this glowing form in front of yourself. Trace that form inside your body, take one step at a time and most important of all, never give up,5825 Ugg Classic Short Black Boots. Keep doing it, persist and know that it will be hard especially when times are tough and you are under pressure. You will find that in time, mastering focus will show in the fire of your results.
A Winning Mind knows that every day spent focusing on their end reward moves them one step closer to attaining their goals. No matter how minute the results, by focussing more, you will see yourself achieving more. When you start to achieve, you grow confident, but that is a different topic all together we will discuss next time.
Have a Winning Day

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

or however else you move into creative flow

Refining The Golden Hour
In one of the classic personal finance books, "The Richest Man In Babylon," we are told that the way to wealth is to "pay yourself first." That a portion of all you earn is yours to keep. Great words, and just as applicable to your life itself. In other words, out of every sixteen-hours of wakefulness in a day, one hour should be yours, and yours alone. Not your job, not your husband or wife, not your kids or your parents. One hour. Sixty minutes. Thirty-six hundred seconds. Yours.
The question you should ask yourself is: if you only had one hour a day that belonged to you, what should you do with it? What CAN you do with it? Television watching patterns suggest that the average American watches over four hours a day—so we can't claim the time isn't there.
Lifewriting™, the high-performance system for writers and readers, maintains that with only one hour a day you can completely take your life back from the world, build to the career you desire, reach inner peace, get in the best shape of your life, and engage in continuing education—all at the same time!
The first trick is to learn to calm your mind, to center yourself so that you have a "clean stage" on which to perform. Twenty minutes three times a week is a great start, and once you are in the habit, you'll start finding other times during the day for contemplation. Either focusing on your heartbeat, or counting deep belly breaths to ten over and over again are great stress-busters.
Next, you'll need energy to transform your dreams into reality. Diet, rest and focus are important for energy, but one way you can catapult your physical energy into new levels is proper exercise. There are several forms of whole-body exercise that are far more efficient than most fitness routines. We're talking exercises that simultaneously work all muscles, produce high levels of aerobic fitness, and actually produce a healthy stretch—all in less than 20 minutes a day! Check out the "clubbell" system at, the "kettlebell" techniques at , or the "Combat Conditioning" system sold at . These three are fabulous, real,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, hyper-efficient means of producing fitness,I'm searching for modern happiness. The old-fashioned kind takes just too long. That happiness requires patience and I don't want to wait. I want upgraded happiness. I want release 4.02. Three twenty-minute sessions a week will probably double your energy.
Now you get to be clever. While total concentration on your exercise is best, this is not a perfect world, and we must make compromises. Listening to instructional CD's or audiobooks during exercise time is a great choice. Possibly the best source of such material is the wonderful Great Courses series available at . The Teaching Company finds the best college professors in the world, and records their finest lectures on 30 and 45 minute tapes,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chocolate Boots. The prices are reasonable (everything goes on sale at least once a year) and the breadth of knowledge staggering. The quality of the instructors is absolutely top-notch.
Ten minutes every day clarifying your goals is also a good idea.
Now, depending on how you've juggled your time (ten minutes goals, twenty minutes exercise or meditation) you should have about thirty minutes left. You can use this for making plans to move your career into a desired direction. Let's be specific, and talk about my own career,work or school, writing. What can I do with this time?
Well, after a half hour of planning, exercising, meditation,Here's a daily program you can , and focus, you should be raring to go,5825 Ugg Classic Short Grey Boots. In thirty minutes, you can produce 300-1000 words of text, IF you don't worry about the quality of the draft. This is absolutely key to producing the volume that will lead to quality. Say, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, you produce new text. These are "flow" days, where you simply make a picture in your head, or let your fingers tingle (or however else you move into creative flow) and then type.
Then, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, you edit. This is when you tear your work apart, polish, plan and dig in. DO NOT CONFUSE THESE TWO STATES. Editing and Flow are completely different parts of the mind, sort of Left Brain/Right Brain. Writer's block is merely the mixing of the two, "editing" when you should be "flowing." Separate them deliberately, and you unleash a creative avalanche.
Of course, if you aren't a writer, these ideas can easily be modified. The most important points are:
1) One hour of every day belongs to you. Take it!
2) Clear your mind.
3) Plan your day
4) Raise your physical energy.
5) Take steps toward your dream goal.
If you will take these five steps, then you are on the path to the life of your dreams—one hour at a time!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Mommy/Money Problem

The Mommy/Money Problem
Our society appears to be increasingly inattentive to the problems of single mothers. The response to this inattentiveness by single mothers can take one of several forms. They could shrink into a corner and cower before the towering shadow of the world's demands. While this choice may tempt some mothers, most single moms are to concerned with the well-being of their children to give in to fear altogether.
Another option is that they could find some charity that will watch their kids for them while they work enough jobs to get on their own feet. Unfortunately,Ugg Classic Short, most women who are single mothers end up in such low paying jobs that they must work two or three of them to scrape by.
I had a sister-in-law who tried this option. Actually, she committed herself to it; she was forced by circumstance to work two full-time jobs to support her little family; while working her jobs, her son was left all alone; the result is that now he is a delinquent with anger towards her and the whole world. He lashes out viscously and is in and out of courts and juvenile detention centers.
She understands that she neglected his emotional care, but how could she have minded his emotional needs while the bills piled up? She was stuck with the choice between caring for her child emotionally and neglecting his physical needs, or caring for his physical body while neglecting his emotional care.
She cannot see--looking back on her choices--how she could have done a better job than she did. Her heart is broken; her son is lost, and our society is stuck with another criminal unless something drastic can be done to save him. This is the same series of events that occurs in millions of homes in this country every year because of dead-beat fathers and failed social institutions. It feeds the crime rate which in turn feeds the prison population which in turn strains the budgets of states and the federal government,7. Convenient.
Perhaps you are a single mother in search of a solution to a dilemma that mirrors the one described above,please visit my Makeup Blog. If you are, please don't get lost in either of the two options mentioned above. Embrace the third option. Find a way to work from home. Are you a decent writer and have access to the internet? Blog for money.
Are you good at networking? Start an online community. If you don't have access to the internet, start from wherever you are accessing it now. The opportunity for you to make ends meet through some type of home based business is real if you start with the right guides,you'll be inclined to move to the next level..
The first step is finding the courage to believe that you can have what you want. Life has seemed to have forgotten about you. The people you cared about so tenderly have now left you to fend for yourself. The darkness is never as bad as our fears make them look.
Choose now to believe that life can be good for you. Life is only a bully when we choose to be afraid. As soon as you choose faith in yourself and in the benevolence of this universe, the bully transforms into a friend ready to assist you in caring for the ones you love.
So, you can hope that the political climate changes to improve your options. You can wish that the economy would change and offer you more money for less work, but those possibilities will all take too long. Your children need you at home with them now. Take charge of your finances by choosing well-being right now. The choice is yours alone.
Once you have decided you will work online, the jobs online will reveal themselves to you automatically. That is the way the world works. Focus on it, believe it and attract to yourself the work from home opportunities that you are seeking. Follow the inclinations that come from this focus. If you feel inclined to search for the opportunities, then do.
If you feel inclined to ask people you know about it, then do. The point is that when you act from a sense of certainty that things will work out, they do. When you act from a sense of certainty that things are going to continue not working out--as my sister-in-law did--they fail to. It is a simple equation, but it takes a quiet commitment to make it work.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

You should make sure to be honest with yourself. For instance

Modern Plus Size Clothing: No Need To Sacrifice Fashion by Andrea Dilea
Locating plus size clothing for larger women can be a difficult endeavor. Fortunately, more businesses have begun to cater to this previously unserved segment of the population with attractive and well fitting garments in a variety of styles and sizes.
Plus size clothing should be selected according to your own personal preferences such as vibrant colors or flagrant prints. Accessories such as belts and scarves can update an outfit that was in a style that is now out of fashion.
Is there a plus size bra in your lingerie collection? Recently, a study showed that 70-85% of women's bras are the wrong size. Getting measured for a well-fitting bra isn't embarrassing. Usually, you won't even need to take off your shirt. Most plus size clothing stores have someone on staff that's trained to find your bra size, and the perfect bra for you.
It's nearly time to set forth on your large size clothes shopping spree. Consider the events in your future. Are there any weddings on your calendar or maybe a cocktail party at work? This is the time to buy that perfect large size outfit.
Take the time to select a dress that's just right for you now that you can choose from so many large size fashions,so there are never any cords in the way. Perhaps you would look best in an elegant gown with empress sleeves or maybe you'd enjoy a sexy little short-skirted shift. You may be a larger woman, but you needn't wear garments down to your ankles because of that.
Do not fear joining completely different eras and designs. Purchase items you enjoy wearing, and that complement your body type. Bigger ladies can more easily wear daring dresses and show more cleavage. That can be emphasized with showy necklaces to draw the eye to that area,jacquard fabric accented with leather trim and silver toned Gucci clasps or light gold hardware and the signature Gucci logo plate makes having just one Gucci product very desirable..
You should make sure to be honest with yourself. For instance,Ugg Classic Short, simply try clothes on and ignore the size numbers. If the item fits and feels good, buy it. Don't be upset if you are a size 18 and the item says a size 20. Remember,the right kind of venues ... it all springs to life., you are not your dress size, so make sure to buy what feels and looks best on you.

Friday, October 26, 2012

all increase our chances of reaching our goals or maybe just surviving another day.

Online Support for Non Resident Mums (non custodial moms)
Why join an online support forum,So if you are looking for a present for a special occasion like Valentine's Day?
Bird Flew is an example of an online support forum that offers people with similar problems to meet and share experiences, support and advice. The forum was set-up so that non resident mothers could talk to other women in a similar position. There is an implicit suggestion that such a resource is likely to be helpful to those who participate but you might be wondering if this applies to you?
Support forums differ in what they provide and what people may get out of them but some of the common themes can be summarised in the acronym PEACE.
Practice in coping skills and relationships
Encouragement from meeting others who have overcome challenges like your own
Acceptance by a group of people who share your feelings and experiences
Comfort from knowing that you are not alone
Empowerment through increased knowledge and confidence
Practice in skills and relationships
Non resident mums can easily become socially isolated. Many mothers feel ashamed and try to avoid situations where they might be asked questions about their family. Those who are brave enough to be honest about their circumstances may find themselves being subjected to further scrutiny and responses such as "how can any mother leave her children?". Continued withdrawal and avoidance is likely to result in lowered self-esteem and confidence. An online community provides the opportunity to interact and by doing so to hear your own voice, get reinforcement and validation from others and to be appreciated as a person in your own right.
Encouragement from meeting others who have overcome challenges like your own
Many of those participating in forums have shared similar experiences and have either overcome their problems or learned ways of managing them more effectively,shape and size suits you. Listening to helpful suggestions and possible solutions can stimulate hope where there is hopelessness. Forum members often find that other members are interested to hear how they got on in dealing with a situation and to provide support when the outcome is not the one they had hoped for.
Acceptance by a group of people who share your feelings and experiences
Acceptance and validation are very important functions of support forums. Non resident mums often feel like outcasts. They find it difficult to join in discussions with other mothers about their children as they imagine they don't have the right. They are very familiar with harsh, judgmental responses from others but are also very unkind to themselves.
Comfort from knowing that you are not alone
Even in today's supposedly tolerant and permissive society,Kegelmaster Is All About Getting Your Vaginal Muscle In Prop, certain social problems are still taboo. In these situations it can be very difficult to find others who share the same problems as people are often reluctant to talk openly because of stigma. If you are one of these people, it is easy to begin to feel very alone and disconnected from others in society. Online forums have the potential to bring together people from all over the world to share problems that are rare, or difficult to talk about. Just knowing that you are not alone can increase your sense of normality and provide comfort.
Empowerment through increased knowledge and confidence
Feeling empowered helps us to face difficult situations and to be our most effective. It is often the case that when we feel hopeless and powerless our reasoning and actions are emotionally driven and unhelpful. Having a better understanding, more facts and information, and encouragement when the going gets tough, all increase our chances of reaching our goals or maybe just surviving another day.
The functions described above are common across many different online support forums and especially relevant to those who have had difficulty finding other people with similar problems offline,Ugg Classic Short. Bird Flew' is a new website for mums who do not live with their children. The website provides forum and live chat resources for members and welcomes enquiries from those seeking the benefits that have been described.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Many health conditions can effect the way skin looks

5 Tips For Aging Skin Care
People have been fighting the signs of aging for centuries. Nobody wants to look older and everyone wants to hold on to their youth. In today's world where it seems everyone can look like they are in their twenties forever, there are many tips for aging skin care.
Plastic surgery is not the only answer. The 5 tips for aging skin care described below are easy and anyone can follow them.
The following lists 5 of the best tips to fight aging skin. Most of them are simple lifestyle changes that will do worlds of wonder for the skin. Others are simple things you can add to your daily routine.
1. Sun- The sun is the biggest cause of aging. When people are young they love to get tan skin and have that sun-kissed look. Using sun screen is very important for aging skin care. Everyone should use sun screen and should avoid getting sunburned. Continuous sun exposure to unprotected skin can cause skin to age quickly,Do you need an Underwire for support.
2. Smoking- Cigarettes have been proven to cause skin damage. It causes yellowing of the skin and encourages wrinkles. Quitting smoking can help to stop rapid and early aging of the skin. Stopping smoking is an essential part of aging skin care.
3. Good health- A person who drinks plenty of water and keeps in good health will have better-looking and younger-looking skin. Hydrated skin looks pinker and healthier than skin that is not well-hydrated. Keeping your skin well-hydrated from the inside is an essential part of aging skin care.
Many health conditions can effect the way skin looks, so keeping healthy is an important part of aging skin care. It will go a long way to helping you have youthful-looking skin as long as possible.
4. Exercise- Exercise works to help skin from aging because it gets the blood flowing throughout the body. Skin with a healthy blood flow looks much better than deprived skin. Exercise will also help you to keep off excess weight, which can stretch and age the skin.
5. Beauty Routine- Following a good skin care routine is essential. Makeup should always be removed before bedtime. A good cleansing routine will help you avoid blackheads, acne and other skin problems. It is also important to use lotion on dry skin to keep it from cracking, which will also make it look aged.
These 5 tips for aging skin care are easy ways for a person to stop or reverse the signs of aging,Phytessence Wakame kelp extract,Ugg Classic Short. They do not require a large bank account and anyone can easily do them. In fact, a person will find as they take care of their skin the rest of their body will be taken care of as well, so it is a great situation all around.
For additional tips visit:
The fight against aging skin is ongoing. Aging skin care is something that must become a part of daily life. With some simple changes and additions to daily routines a person can fight aging in their own home,eyesight lack of rain.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

not so fast. Keeping abreast of the trends in fashion is essential to not looking outdated

Got A Closet Full of Trendy Clothes? Watch Out!
You just bought a pair of Ugg boots to go with your hip hugger jeans and trucker cap. And that's not all. You scour the fashion magazines for the latest trends, then go running out to fill your closet. Trendy is good, right?
Uh, not so fast. Keeping abreast of the trends in fashion is essential to not looking outdated, but having a closet full of trendy clothes can quickly turn into a big waste of time and money, unless you're Paris Hilton. Maybe Paris can afford to buy and discard clothes like candy, but the average woman needs a wardrobe with some staying power.
All the fashion experts agree that you should build your wardrobe around classic pieces like: blazers, tailored suits, neutral bottoms and tops. Classic clothing lasts for years and is very versatile.
On the other hand, trends come and go. Those Ugg boots you just bought along with the trucker caps are already passé (according to fashionistas in the know). You can either give them away to Good Will or keep wearing them because you really like them.
Trends in fashion are very fickle: some last a long time,Ugg Classic Short, while others fizzle in a single season. Because of this, it's almost impossible to keep up with every single trend. For practical reasons, you should pick a few trendy pieces that look flattering on you and add them to your wardrobe.
When the trend is over, discard them or defiantly wear those trendy clothes whenever you like. As long as people aren't laughing at you in the streets, who cares?
Just remember not to overdo it. You don't want to have to replace your entire wardrobe every time a new trend comes out unless you're an heiress with money to burn.


Help Getting Pregnant
Pregnancy is something that brings joy to most women. From childhood they are primed to believe that they will be mothers someday. In fact the whole Barbie doll industry is based on this desire and doctrine. So it is mostly a shattering blow when a woman discovers that she may need help getting pregnant. However, it is necessary to understand that there are many ways that you can get the help you need to become pregnant. This article will show you 3 of such methods which you can apply today.
1. You should ensure that you include foods with high antioxidant levels into your diet. This is because they are not only highly nutritious, but they also help you fight the free radicals in your blood. These foods include, but are not limited blueberries, kale, and broccoli. You might also want to incorporate raw foods into your diet.
2. Raw foods should ideally constitute about 80% of your total diet. Ensuring that you achieve this will start you on a path in your life that will lead to very healthy change. You should eat foods like; vegetables, fruits and fibre, and plenty of natural juices. The remaining 20% may be constituted by lean meats and bread. Knowing the timing of your ovulation is another effective way to help yourself become pregnant.
3,Ugg Classic Short. If you really desire to become pregnant, you should commit to knowing the signs that indicate that you are ovulating. You should become conversant with the timing of your ovulation. This will help you to correctly time the days for indulging in intercourse with your spouse.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Andis Company began in 1921 when Mathew Andis built his first electric hair clipper. With time

Andis Styliner II Trimmer
When it comes to shaping and trimming around necks and beards there is no better tool than the Andis Styliner II Trimmer. This is because of its T-blade design and a contoured housing for perfect precision.
The Andis Company began in 1921 when Mathew Andis built his first electric hair clipper. With time, effort, and the help of his family, Andis grew his company to become a recognized name in professional grooming. Today, the Andis Company still makes quality clippers and trimmers that are set apart by innovative mechanics and top notch performance.
Andis s array of professional grade clippers and trimmers is extensive, and each is uniquely equipped to clip, trim,Ugg Classic Short, and shave perfectly with a great ease of use for the styling professional or for home use. Two clippers fall into the Styliner family, which are marketed towards those looking for trimmers that can trim precise lines for the ultimate styling experience.
The Andis Styliner M3 is a powerful trimmer with the capability to offer an ultra close cut. With a magnetic motor that is 20% more powerful than other trimmers in its class, it runs quieter and with less heat. The Andis Styliner M3 is designed to have less vibration which means more power goes to the trimmer blades for a better trim or shave. A wide T-blade cuts close to the skin, making this trimmer great for lining and edging small areas. The Andis Styliner M3 is virtually indestructible with its magnesium housing. It is lightweight and contoured to the hand shape, so it is easy and comfortable to hold. The Andis Styliner M3 is a great trimmer for dry shaving too.
The Andis Styliner II Trimmer is equipped with the same features as the Styliner M3 it has a wide, close cutting blade and a convenient side on/off switch, but has carbon-steel blades for the highest quality and long cutting life. This clipper is also ideal for trimming necks, mustaches, beards, and edging around the ears.
The Andis Styliner family is an amazing trimmer for anyone seeking clean-cut precision and maximum durability.
Purchase an Andis Styliner NOW

Friday, October 19, 2012


Sterling Silver Jewelry – An Ideal Gift for All Functions by Lynn Brown
Platinum, gold and diamonds always draw interest from jewelry buyers for special occasions, but silver still remains a great gift idea for any occasion. Pure sterling silver is harder than gold with the highest optical reflectivity. It looks as dramatic with a black evening gown as it does with a white day dress.
Sterling silver jewelry is available in an amazing variety of design and types, gaining great reverence in its 4,000 year history. Silver is least expensive of the precious metals and United States is one of the biggest silver producing countries in globally.

Sterling silver jewelry gains in popularity as a substitute of gold jewelry. Sterling silver comprises of 92.5 percent silver and 7.5 percent zinc making up some of the most in vogue items of accessory today, with items such as sterling silver rings, sterling silver bracelets, sterling silver pendants, sterling silver earrings and even sterling silver buttons, to name a few.

It makes a perfect gift if you’re pressed for money. Its versatility and affordability make it one of the most purchasable gift items. It is well suited for all occasions – including birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, wedding gifts and even as a christening present. You can select a wide variety of sterling silver jewelry for:
Sterling Silver for Mom
It makes an inexpensive yet exquisite gift for mom. You can choose between sterling silver necklaces, pendants, earrings, rings, and bracelets. You can even personalize the gift by engraving on it.
Sterling Silver for Daughters
It makes equally divine gifts for fathers to appreciate their place in our lives. The beauty of sterling silver jewelry lies in their simple yet elegant beauty.

Sterling Silver for Valentine’s Day
Celebrate your Valentine's Day with an individual, distinctive and reasonable sterling silver gift from our breathtaking collection of sterling silver necklaces, silver bracelets, silver rings, silver pendants and silver earrings.
Sterling silver makes the perfect birthday gift for its elegance and affordability. The Butterfly Collection makes exquisite birthday gifts, since they are a representation of metamorphosis or change,Ugg Classic Short, much like a birthday is. Cell phone charms also make great gifts for friends and family and one of the most personalized gift items available.
Wedding / Wedding Anniversary
Sterling silver gifts and sterling silver jewelry is ideal for a weddings and wedding anniversary. Silver wedding rings are low in price but high in terms of beauty since silver is one of the most reflective of all the metals. Sterling silver bridal charm like the Mother of Pearl Charm and White Satin Heart Charm, accented with Swarovski crystals, pearls and sterling silver detail make special gifts for a wedding day. The signature collection satin hearts make romantic, thoughtful gifts to your loved one.
Christmas Gifts
Sterling silver jewelry makes for unique Christmas gifts which surprise and awe your loved ones. Silver bracelets, sterling silver necklaces, sterling silver pendants, sterling silver earrings and sterling silver rings are ideal for this festive time.
Sterling silver makes a beautiful combination with gemstones, bringing about a dazzling effect. The variety of color, gem stones and setting makes the sterling silver an unbeatable choice for a gift item.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

by its very nature

European Human Hair Wig
I am sure you have wondered what the truth is about the prices of wigs made from European human hair. From shop to shop you will find a huge variation in prices - anywhere from 300 USD to as high as 10.000 USD (!). So let me take you through each step of the process of producing high quality handmade wigs, and show the real costs.
Firstly, take the acquisition of hair. The cost of hair for one wig (0,2 to 0,4 kg) varies from 30 to 40 USD throughout most Eastern European countries. There is little variation there, but an important additional cost is incurred by high-quality wig-makers who collect hair in an appropriate and well-controlled way. The best wig-makers visit hairdressers and care for the hair themselves, using no middleman. They do not buy hair from wholesalers because wholesalers blend hair, because it is so time-consuming to acquire really good hair. One simply has to find a girl among hairdresser's clients that has beautiful, healthy hair and who wants it cut. The hairdresser can offer a free service to such a girl and actually pay her for her hair - and clearly both sides benefit from such a transaction. But this shows that, by its very nature, acquisition of good-quality hair cannot be a simple large-scale automatic process. That explains why outside of Eastern Europe the price of acquiring good quality hair is skyrocketing - not because the hair in itself is expensive, but because of its rarity. It is difficult to imagine a large-scale cheap process of acquiring high quality human hair in European countries.
Second, take the other materials used in making wigs. These are not expensive and their costs do not exceed 50 USD for a typical wig. These are the materials used to produce a cap. More and more wig-makers are now buying ready-made caps, so called "monofilament", which are gaining popularity and their cost is not very high.
Third, take the labor involved in making high quality handmade wigs. This is the main cost factor. Handmade wig needs at least a week to be produced by an experienced expert worker. It takes a week of hard work, with each hair being knitted to the cap with a very small crochet-needle or glued with a special glue. In the case of long hair,Ugg Classic Short, the production time could be two to three weeks. Reliable wig-makers knit hair with a double-knot which makes the construction much more durable but needs some extra work-time. Depending on the type of wig, length of hair and type of cap the cost of labor is from 150 to 300 USD.
Finally, you cannot forget other typical business costs - investment's amortization, management costs, taxes, insurances, rent, and profit. Altogether, the price of a handmade human hair wig made from European hair cannot be lower than 500-600 USD even for the shortest hair. There is no upper limit and it only depends on how much a customer is willing to pay, but before you pay 1000 USD or more for your wig remember the real costs of its creation.
And now for a real mystery. Why are European human hair wigs not made in China where labor costs are much lower than in Poland, Russia, or the Czech Republic? The main reason is no good quality European human hair available in large enough quantities to make profitable large-scale production in China possible. This is because wig-makers in Eastern European countries are buying all of the available hair for their own production. Surprising? - but that is how it is. And that is why most of wigs produced in China are made of Asian hair or blended hair widely available on a wholesale market.

If your face is round

Enhance Your Face Shape at a Hair Salon in Downtown Tampa and West Shore and Macdill in South Tampa by Chris Lontok
The facial shape of an individual cannot be changed, except perhaps through radical surgery. There are non invasive and less expensive ways that you can enhance the face shape you were born with, though. The right hair styling can highlight your best features while camouflaging or downplaying the less flattering aspects of your face. You should know what hair styling is appropriate for your facial shape so that you can ask for it from your hair salon in Downtown Tampa and West Shore Boulevard and Macdill Air Force Base in South Tampa,Ugg Classic Short.
If your face is round, long hair is most flattering. Long side-swept bangs and soft, graduated layers with wispy tapered ends will further create a slimming illusion. Avoid short hair.
If your face is square with a strong angular jaw line, curls and choppy or spiky ends layered at the jaw line have a softening effect. Avoid blunt bangs and blunt chin length bobs.
If your face is oblong, curly or wavy chin length hair and bangs that skim the brow will create a widening illusion. Avoid long one length hair.
If your face is heart shaped, soft layers and wispy bangs distract from a pointy chin.
If your face is oval, any hairstyle at any length will be flattering.
If you currently have short hair but your facial shape is best enhanced by long hair, you can ask for hair extensions. This will give you instant gratification and will make the waiting time easier as you grow out your natural hair to the most flattering length. Hair extensions can look like your own hair especially if done at a reputable hair salon. Their skilled hairstylist will do the proper trimming and hair styling to blend in the extensions with your hair. People in Tampa will wonder at your transformation.
Another way to further enhance your facial shape is to add depth and dimension to your chosen hair styling with hair color. A hair color specialist can help you determine the most flattering hair color for your skin tone. This will give your face a special glow. Hair color can also be placed in such a way that the eye is led to your best features and away from facial areas you wish to downplay. Ask for it at your hair salon in Tampa.
Very often, the hair styling given at the salon is great but women find it difficult to achieve the same looks once at home. The missing factor may be the Paul Mitchell products used at the salon. You should ask your hairstylist to identify the products used on your hair and make sure you purchase those products before leaving. Do not forget to ask your stylist to teach you exactly how to create the same hair styling looks using these products. If the hair styling is too fussy for you, you should speak up and ask for something that is not as high maintenance. After all, hair styling need not be always complicated. Hair products can simplify your styling so you can enjoy yourself in Tampa.
You should know, however, that although hair styling and hair color treatments can enhance your facial shape, they can also damage your hair if done frequently. You can avoid the development of hair damage or even reverse it by undergoing Keratin hair treatment at your hair salon in Tampa.
Professionals at Monaco Salon & Boutique can take care of your hair styling needs and then offer you the perfect outfits to match. A hair salon and boutique is indeed any woman's best refuge and partner in Tampa, from Downtown Tampa to West Shore Boulevard and Macdill Air Force Base in South Tampa.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

this will give you a very sexy shapely outline indeed.

Feel Good Naked
How confident are you when it comes to being naked,Ugg Classic Short? Sadly, a lot of women agonise about their bodies and revealing all can be a traumatic experience. If you are looking for tips, tricks and beauty secrets to help you make the most of your natural beauty and feel good naked, you've come to the right place.
Number one of all the beauty secrets is this, if you want to feel good naked you must be happy in your own skin.
To help you achieve this, look after your skin to bring out its natural beauty. Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells and give your circulation a boost, this will encourage new skin cells at the same time. Encouraging new skin cells will give your skin a younger, fresher look.
Always moisturise using a good moisturiser and pay special attention to dry areas such as elbows, knees and feet. Take your time and massage the moisturiser right into your skin. Massaging not only helps your circulation it also helps to smooth out bumps and wrinkles and will enhance your natural beauty. Olive oil, an old-fashioned beauty secret, will give your skin a luxurious look as well as making it soft and supple to touch. As the surface of your skin improves and you get to know your body better you will begin to feel good naked.
Remove unsightly hairs from your legs, under your arms and tidy up your bikini line, or go the whole hog and go for a Brazilian wax.
You probably already know that eating a balanced diet to maintain healthy skin from the inside will benefit your natural beauty. Oily fish and vegetables will do wonders for your nails, hair and teeth as well as providing fish oils and vitamins for your skin and is a beauty secret worth knowing.
Your hair is your crowning glory especially if you want to feel good naked, have it trimmed regularly and keep it clean, well conditioned and healthy.
A quick fix beauty secret to feel good naked is to decide which your best asset is and show it off to the best advantage. Stand naked in front of a tall mirror and take a good, long look at yourself.
Standing straight on is not always the best pose, experiment by turning slowly and watching how your contours change. Standing side on can be a lot more flattering and compliment your natural beauty. Stand up straight and lift your sternum (breastbone) arch your back slightly so that your bottom sticks out a little bit but not too much.
You can make yourself look slimmer by stretching your body into a bow shape and being careful not to stoop or scrunch yourself up. Or stand slightly side on to the mirror placing one leg in front of the other; this will give you a very sexy shapely outline indeed.
Or try lying on your stomach propped up by your elbows, this accentuates the curve of your back and the shape of your breasts and at the same time minimises your stomach.
The idea behind the above beauty secrets is to create an illusion, flatter your natural beauty and help you to feel good naked.
A good tip is to spend as much time as you can actually being naked, this will get you used to seeing yourself naked and the more you see yourself naked, the more being naked will feel natural to you.
Remember to stand up straight and stretch your body to make yourself look slimmer. It also helps if you master the art of walking by placing one foot in front of the other, as though you are walking a tight rope, and swing your legs from the hips. I've found this looks extremely elegant and it will do wonders for your confidence.
Another good beauty secret is to go for soft lighting, such as candles, tea lights or softly coloured light bulbs if you haven't got a dimmer switch, and make sure the lighting is behind you. This not only has a slimming effect - it will also help to soften your outline and give you a sexy glow.
A soft glow rather than harsh lighting will give your skin an even tone and minimise the appearance of any blemishes.
One of the best beauty secrets I know is taking regular exercise to help keep your body toned and supple, a thirty-minute walk three times a week will pay many benefits. Walk at a speed that gets your heart rate up, this will oxygenate your blood and improve your skin, as well as your muscles and heart. Don't walk so fast that you can't have a conversation at the same time.
A toned and balanced body is extremely beautiful and will make you look and feel good naked, and you don't need an hourglass figure to achieve this. Add quality to your movements with muscles that are long and toned and you will appear more balanced and beautiful.
Finally, the best way to feel good naked is to have confidence in yourself. If you don't feel it, fake it until you do. Get to know your own body and accept yourself for who you are and how you look.
We are all individuals and there are no set rules for everyone. Watch other women and notice how they move, what looks good and what doesn't. You can learn a lot by watching others.
Someone who is happy in her own skin and behaves in a confident manner is extremely attractive and sexy, regardless of her body shape.
How you feel about yourself is what really counts because this will show in your eyes and natural beauty will radiate from you.
Relax and enjoy yourself - love the way you look - if you do then others will too.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

and friends. Because abortion is very personal to a woman

Distinguishing the Types of Abortion by James Pendergraft
Abortion may be the most distressing event a woman may have to undergo, although certainly, not all women have to undergo the process. The stress on the woman can arise from different factors such as:

1) Incompatibility with religious beliefs,The Importance Of Prenatal Vitamins, social, and cultural norms. Although abortion has been accepted in some countries, there are still areas that are averse to it,Importance of Taking Care of Your Diamond Ring by Aden Parker, citing that the process must be stopped because it is simply an aberration from the normal and socially approved pattern of doing things. Social pressure may be enormous. Sometimes a woman contemplating abortion may feel the world's opinion is cast fully against her.
2) Lack of support from partner, parents, and friends. Because abortion is very personal to a woman, she needs emotional support and guidance throughout the whole ordeal. In the absence of support from persons she expects to be supportive during her time of greatest need, the onus of decision making is multiplied greatly. In some cases, a woman may even contemplate suicide, resorting to choices that may cause more harm than good.

When a woman has finally decided on aborting her pregnancy, she may refer to a medical practitioner. In some countries that are traditionally averse to the practice, medical practitioners are explicitly prohibited in performing such an operation. In those countries, most abortions are done underground and in secret places.

The Two Types of Abortion: Providing the Best Option

Abortions are commonly classified into two terms: spontaneous abortion and induced abortion,For instance. Their characteristic may be described as follows:

Induced Abortion. An induced abortion means that the pregnancy was intentionally terminated. There are numerous methods of providing abortion to a pregnant woman, the choice of which is sometimes limited by legislation as the law specifically identifies the legal abortion processes in countries where the practice is legal,Ugg Classic Short. Induced abortion is classified either as therapeutic or elective. A therapeutic abortion may be conducted for any of the following reasons:

1) To save the life of the pregnant woman especially if the pregnancy involves placing the woman's health in enormous risk upon delivery.
2)T erminate a pregnancy that was diagnosed to result in a child born with congenital diseases that would be fatal or may cause a significant morbidity in both physical and mental aspects.
3) Although rarely the reason for abortion, the process is also done to selectively reduce the number of fetuses to lessen the risks involved in multiple pregnancies where there is a high possibility of a number of child born with defects. On the other hand, elective abortion is done at the request of the woman for various reasons other than those enumerated above.

Spontaneous abortion is commonly known as miscarriage. It is the expulsion of the fetus from the embryo due to various causes, none of which is deemed intentional. Thedefinition of miscarriages varies among states, depending on the number of weeks of pregnancy prior to its termination.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

are also some company who claims to have the best

Natural Way of Breast Enhancement by Eliza Maledevic Ayson
Women usually feel sexier having well-shaped and
rounded breasts. They feel confident about
themselves, no doubt about that.
Surgical breast enlargement procedures such as
breast augmentation and breast lift are few of
the ways that women can undergo in order to have
nicely shaped breasts. But having numerous
alarming or harmful side effects, a lot of women
are afraid to make use of these procedures and
prefer to use natural breast enhancement.
Indeed, most women want to be beautiful and sexy,
reason why they want to have breast enhancement.
Because they are tired of being ashamed to wear
sexy clothes or even swim suit when they go to
beaches,Ugg Classic Short. But they want to make sure to find the
best way in order to have the enhancement without
any adverse reactions or any risks of harmful
side effects.
There are some post-operative effects that a
woman can get with surgical breast augmentation
such as infection,There are two simple things to take into consideration - skin and the context., hardening of the breasts, and
even the loss of sensation in the nipples.
Breasts implant can break or leak, which will
cause a change in the shape of the breasts and
the possibility to feel discomfort with your
breasts. When problem acquire regarding your
surgical breast augmentation, it can be treated
by removing the implant after the infection has
been cleared, and replace it with a new one, so
you have to undergo another surgery again.
There are plenty of products and methods that are
non-surgical that claim to help women to enhance
and enlarge their breast. Special bras, creams,
weights, are few of these products and methods
that can enhance your breasts.
But a lot of women prefer to use or take breast
enlargement pills as a way of enlarging and
enhancing their breasts. This pills can aid women
to have well-shaped breasts without resorting to
any surgery that can give women some risks of
having adverse reactions.
Majority of these pills are herbal and made with
all natural formulations. So if you desire to
enhance your breasts naturally, better to use
herbal products that can enhance and enlarge your
breasts without any harmful side effects.
But as an advice, when looking for a natural
breasts enhancement, you have to take time to
research few options that you can use. It is
wiser to know the products and details. You have
to make sure about the company and the products.
Make sure to read and research. Do your homework,
if you truly want to enhance your breasts, take
some time to research.
You can use the internet to research and find the
best natural breast enhancement for you. There
are also some company who claims to have the best
products but these products never works,as well as inside, so you
have to be careful. Make sure that the company is
reliable one and has high quality products.
Indeed,Don't hate the player, natural breast enhancement is a good way
to enhance and enlarge your breasts, without the
risks involved in surgical procedures and methods,
so you can feel sexy and confident about
yourself. But it is advisable to do careful
research in order to find the best product for
Eliza Maledevic Ayson

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Female Resistance to Male Authority, Part One
Humans seem to possess an innate abhorrence of subservience to authoritative figures. Even when someone is subjugated to someone else through the laws of the nation or the customs therein, the person will uncover ways to subvert the authority of the person set above him or her,Garnets of muted yellows. Most often, these ways are of passive resistance since they are much less confrontational to the dominant person. By studying Murasaki Shikibu's The Tale of Genji and Marguerite de Navarre's The Heptameron as social-historical documents, one can uncover evidence of the limitations imposed upon women by laws and social expectations and the means they undertook to overcome those limitations. The first part of this essay will examine the lives of women in the tenth-century court of Heian Japan, and the second part will discuss women of the court of sixteenth-century France. Although divided by custom, religion, and six hundred years of time, there are many similarities among these Eastern and Western women in their attempts to oppose male authority, along with many differences. In tenth-century Japan, the resistance women displayed was overwhelmingly passive, while in sixteenth-century France women exhibit more assertiveness towards male dominant figures.
Female Code of Conduct in the Court Life of Japan
Women in medieval Japan had little protection against male domination. The customs of the time expected women to be submissive to men, even to the point of rape. Men had no fear that they would be punished for rape, as evidenced in Genji's attitude:
Quickly and lightly he lifted her down to the gallery and slid the door closed. Her surprise pleased him enormously. Trembling,the whole body is accentuated with a thin waist, she called for help. "It will do you no good, I am always allowed my way. Just be quiet, if you will, please." (Shikibu 137-38)
Although the 'lady of the misty moon' is "upset" about Genji's attack, she is more concerned with not having Genji to think her "wanting in good manners" (Shikibu 138). The implication is that women are expected to give their bodies to men who want them as a token of hospitality.
The personality characteristics that women were expected to possess can be discerned through the specific qualities Genji praises in this novel. The 'lady of the evening faces' is the first woman mentioned in the novel that Genji is extremely enamoured of. Genji describes her thus:
She was of an extraordinarily gentle and quiet nature. Though there was a certain vagueness about her, and indeed an almost childlike quality, it was clear that she knew something about men. She did not appear to be of very good family. What was there about her, he asked himself over and over again, that so drew him to her? (Shikibu 41)
What Genji finds so appealing about the lady of the evening faces is her pliability and her desire to please, her tendency to submit to the "most outrageous demands" (Shikibu 42). These are the characteristics that women of the Japanese court were praised for.
An extreme example of females being treated as objects can be discovered through Genji's actions in connection with the child Murasaki. When Genji first sees Murasaki, she is about ten years old. He is struck by her resemblance to Fujitsubo, his father's consort whom Genji has long desired. Genji decides then and there that Murasaki must "stand in the place of the one whom she so resembled" (Shikibu 72). Though the child is already betrothed to another man, Genji is determined to take her "into his house and make her his ideal" (Shikibu 74).
When Genji learns that Murasaki's father, Prince Hy bu, is soon to take Murasaki to his home, Genji acts quickly. Unconcerned with how others would perceive his actions, he kidnaps the child from her guardians and hides her from her father at his home in Nij . Murasaki is understandably terribly frightened by all this. Genji tells her:
You are not to sulk, now, and make me unhappy. Would I have done all this for you if I were not a nice man? Young ladies should do as they are told. (Shikibu 103)
Genji's 'lesson' to Murasaki is that her fear and unhappiness is no more than being ill-natured, that ladies are supposed to do what men tell them and to endeavor to make men happy, and that kidnapping her is not a bad thing, but shows how much Genji cares for her and is willing to do for her,Mohs' Hardness score is based on a 10 point scale where 10 is the most resistant. Genji informs Murasaki that she must think of him as her teacher,Ugg Classic Short; in this manner Genji begins instructing Murasaki in the characteristics and accomplishments that his 'ideal' woman would possess.
Through the character of Genji, one may discern the personality traits that were undesirable for women to have. Genji resents "chilliness" in females (Shikibu 36), women who are "impossibly forceful in [their] demands" (Shikibu 48), and ones who display "jealous ways" (Shikibu 48). Boldness in matters of sexual intercourse was also considered unbecoming feminine conduct. It is significant that the only female character who openly displays her sexuality is an "old lady" of sixty with "dark and muddy" eyelids and "rough and stringy" hair (Shikibu 124). Because Naishi enjoys sex and is unashamed to hide it, she is also portrayed as "not very discriminating" in her sexual partners (Shikibu 124), and "inexhaustibly amorous" (Shikibu 126). Genji dislikes Naishi's aggressiveness and impatience (Shikibu 127), but being Genji he still finds Naishi suitable for his 'nocturnal wanderings.'
Female Resistance to Japanese Code of Conduct
Despite female subservience being a pervasive cultural trait, women in medieval Japan managed to find some ways to resist complete dominance by men. These ways can be characterized as passive resistance, e.g. verbal reproaches, feigning sickness and misunderstanding, standoffish behavior, and isolating oneself from men. In The Tale of Genji, most of the female resistance is due to sexual overtures or excesses by Genji.
Through Genji's wife Aoi, one can understand the extremity of Genji's sexual conduct. Being busy with his numerous affairs, Genji doesn't spend much time visiting his wife at her father's Sanj mansion, a fact that she does not let him forget when he does come to visit her. Aoi exhibits standoffish behavior to Genji to express her displeasure with his neglect of her, as seen in the following conversation between them:
Genji: It would be nice, I sometimes think, if you could be a little more wifely. I have been very ill, and I am hurt, but not really surprised, that you have not inquired after my health.
Aoi: Like the pain, perhaps, of awaiting a visitor who does not come?
Genji: You so rarely speak to me, and when you do you say such unpleasant things. 'A visitor who does not come' that is hardly an appropriate way to describe a husband, and indeed it is hardly civil. I try this approach and I try that, hoping to break through, but you seem intent on defending all the approaches. Well, one of these years, perhaps, if I live long enough. (Shikibu 83, 84)
Genji begins this conversation by trying to remonstrate with his wife for her cold behavior towards him, in not being overjoyed that he has come to see her. She, in turn, reproaches him for his neglect of her by likening him to a "visitor" rather than a husband. Aoi resists Genji in the only manner available to her, that of verbal reproaches and withholding displays of affection from Genji.
The lady at the Akashi shore employs another method of passive resistance to her father and Genji; she feigns sickness and attempts to isolate herself from Genji. When Genji first begins courting her, which her father actively promotes, the lady at first resists answering Genji's letter and says she is "not feeling well" (Shikibu 296). After being pressured by her father to write back, she pretends not to understand Genji's poem: "How can you sorrow for someone you have not met?" (Shikibu 297). She reads his letter literally and answers in that sense, not wishing to acknowledge the letter as an attempt at flirtation and seduction. After her father arranges for Genji to visit her, unbeknownst to herself, she flees to "an inner room" and bars the door (Shikibu 303). Although Genji doesn't force his way through the door, in some manner that the novel does not mention, he does gain access to the inner room where the lady is hiding. There Genji imposes himself upon her (Shikibu 303). To Genji, this encounter with the Akashi lady is a "contest of wills" in which he would "look rather silly" if he lost to the lady (Shikibu 303). Female conquest is, then, a matter of honor among men of the court.
Some women go to extremes to resist male sexual advances, such as when Fujitsubo enters the convent to escape Genji. To Genji, Fujitsubo is the model of "sublime beauty" (Shikibu 26). But, alas, she belongs to his father, the Emperor. Genji pays no heed to that; with the help of one of her ladies, he manages to gain access to Fujitsubo's room. Fujitsubo is "determined that there would not be another meeting" between Genji and herself and is "shocked" and "distress[ed]" that Genji has come to her again (Shikibu 86). She tries to make Genji leave, but these efforts "delight[ ]" him while causing shame also (Shikibu 86). However Genji still has his way with her, Fujitsubo becomes pregnant, and she passes off the boy as the Emperor's son and Genji's brother.
After the death of Genji's father, Genji attempts to rekindle the affair with Fujitsubo. She had done all she could to avoid Genji and had even "commissioned religious services in hopes of freeing herself from Genji's attentions" (Shikibu 202). Sadly, her elusiveness just excites more interest for Genji. Fujitsubo is unable to convince Genji to leave, and she begins to experience "chest pains" and "fainting spells" (Shikibu 203). She begins to feel better later, when she believes Genji has left but as soon as he appears before her again, she sinks to the floor in "sheer terror" (Shikibu 204).
Genji tries to obtain compassion from Fujitsubo by asserting that he would die from love of her (Shikibu 205). Genji feels Fujitsubo's conduct is "cruelty" (Shikibu 207), and decides to make her "feel sorry for him" (Shikibu 206). So he retires to his house at Nij where he refuses to write to her and sulks. But Fujitsubo is not so filled with pity that she submits to Genji; instead she resolves to give up her title as Empress and "to become a nun" (Shikibu 206). She realizes this is the only path available to her to escape Genji's sexual advances completely.
While the women of the court in Heian Japan did not enjoy much freedom from masculine authority, they did utilize whatever means were available to them to resist complete subjugation. Women in sixteenth century France fared little better than Eastern women. In the intervening six hundred years from the writing of The Tale of Genji to the writing of The Heptameron, women had made little progress in liberating themselves. Women in France were expected to be subservient to their fathers and husbands as were Japanese women, but in The Heptameron women are depicted as being more aggressive in protesting male abuses.
Navarre, Marguerite de. The Heptameron. Trans. P.A. Chilton. London: Penguin Books, 1984.
Shikibu, Murasaki. The Tale of Genji. Trans. Edward G. Seidensticker. New York: Random House, 1990.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Finding just the right wedding dress can take quite some time

Choosing The Perfect Wedding Dress
The perfect wedding dress is the centerpiece of any wedding celebration. A wedding dress is much more than just another dress it is a tangible symbol of your love and your hopes for the future,Ugg Classic Short.
==Finding The Right Wedding Dress==
Finding just the right wedding dress can take quite some time, so it is important to shop around, and to start shopping early.
Wedding dresses are available from a wide variety of sources. There are of course shops, both chain stores and independent retailers, that specialize in special dresses like wedding gowns and prom dresses, and these places can be a great place to start your search for the very best wedding dress.
You can probably also find a good selection of wedding dresses and other formal wear at your local high end or even mid range department store. The better department stores often have bridal departments, and many brides to be have found excellent wedding dresses there.
==Finding You Wedding Dress On The Internet==
It is even possible to find wedding dresses on the internet. There are a growing number of internet retailers that sell wedding dresses, bridesmaid gowns, and other formal wear.
When ordering a wedding dress online, however, it is important to take proper measurements, and to make sure any alterations needed are included in the purchase price.
==Places To Find Ideas==
Most brides to be already have a good idea of what they are looking for in a wedding dress as far as style, length and cut. For those in search of ideas, however, there are many places to turn,#3 Time Your Intercourse.
There are many bridal magazines on the newsstand that contain beautiful examples of the latest styles of wedding dresses,They are wonderful.
In addition, the many wedding planning guides, both in the bookstore and online, can provide wonderful ideas for the perfect wedding dress.
==Allow Plenty Of Time For Fittings And Alterations==
No matter what type of wedding dress you have your heart set on, be sure to allow plenty of time for fitting and alterations,blood is flowing faster throughout your body and so is oxygen.
This is particularly important when it comes to having a wedding dress custom made, but it is important for off the shelf wedding gowns as well.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

000 so most diamond merchants would have the need to be VAT registered.

How to Safely Buy a Diamond Online – Part 1 of 3

It is now possible to save 40% to 60% by purchasing a diamond engagement ring from an online diamond retailer, rather than from a bricks-n-mortar High Street jeweller,a woman typically gains weight as she gets older. With the growth of the baby in the woman's tummy. Online diamond retailers don’t have retail shops, sales staff, large diamond inventories and other associated operating expenses and are therefore able to pass on the cost savings to consumers.

Of course, a diamond might be one of the largest one-off purchases made in one’s lifetime and so it is understandable that many people may be uncomfortable paying for a diamond before it has been seen and examined.

However, as long as the correct research and precautions are taken there should be no reason to be fearful about buying diamonds from Internet diamond merchants.

The three most important aspects of the pre-purchase checks that must be carried out are:

1. Assurance that the diamond business is legitimate,Juicy Couture,

2. Assurance that the payment method is secure,

3. The risk of merchant fraud or failed delivery is mitigated.

In part one of this three-part series we examine the first aspect which is assuring that the diamond merchant is running a legitimate business.

Assurance of legitimacy of diamond businesses

Physical Address

The physical address of the online diamond retailer should be prominently displayed somewhere within the website. It should give the full street address and postcode. A PO Box is not acceptable. Conduct a search on the full address using Google and make sure that other results are returned that include the name of the business along with that address to check that the physical address is not a bogus one.

Landline Phone Number Active & Manned

A contact landline phone number should be prominently displayed. Ring the landline number given and make sure that either a salesperson or the proprietor of the business answers and is helpful and knowledgeable with questions about the company and diamonds.

Testimonials Available For Inspection

All businesses should have records of customer testimonials. Ask if a few of these can be emailed or faxed through for inspection.

Company Number

Is the diamond merchant’s business registered with UK Company House and does it display its Company Registration number,Ugg Classic Short? This registration number can be entered through the UK Company House website to check the registered business details of the diamond merchant.

If the diamond business is registered then this gives you additional reassurance that it is a legitimate business. If the diamond business is not registered this may indicate the business is being run as a sole proprietorship, or it may indicate that the business is not legitimate,but secretly loved by its supporters.

VAT Number

Is the business registered for VAT and is the number displayed on the website? If it is then this is another positive indicator that the business is a legitimate and profitable one. The threshold for taxable supplies for VAT registration is £60,000 so most diamond merchants would have the need to be VAT registered.

Trade Association Membership

There are several jewellery industry associations in the UK. If the diamond merchant that you are considering purchasing from is a member of an association then this gives further assurance of the reputability of that merchant. Some of the most prominent associations are the British Jewellery Association, the Assay Office and the National Association of Goldsmiths. These can all be contacted to confirm any claims of membership.

Key Staff Named With Photos

Another reassurance of the legitimacy of the business is when key staff members are named and have their photographs displayed within the site.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


How to Avoid the Holiday Stress for Women by James Pendergraft
Most of the time, it is the women who experience too much stress when the holidays are approaching. This is because they are the ones who are usually responsible for shopping, decorating, cooking, planning seasonal events, getting gifts, and sending greeting cards. This happens because women tend to stretch themselves too thin and try to do everything, even if there is not enough time. The holidays could also bring on sad memories like the loss of loved ones, jobs, friends, marriages, home, and even health.
Because the holidays almost always bring on joy followed by conditions such as depression, insomnia, exhaustion, irritability, poor appetite, or overeating, it is good to maintain some steps to avoid stress.
Get Rid of Great Expectations
First of all, women need to rid themselves of unrealistic expectations during the holidays. These are usually those that other people expect of them and those that they impose upon themselves. Because women focus on cooking, buying gifts, and attending parties, they end up being stressed over empty wallets and filled-up schedules.
As such, it is very important to keep expectations at a minimum or to do away with them altogether. If women have lesser or no expectations about the holidays,natural and cultured., the chances of enjoying simpler and more meaningful happiness are increased,you can feel good about your personal appearance and your impact on good old mother earth..
Here is a guide on how to avoid holiday stress:
* Start planning ten weeks before the holidays. If you have a timetable that you stick to, there is less rushed feeling of accommodating things at the very last minute.
* Define your plans for the holidays by asking people some questions. You would know what and what not to do if you will ask people questions like what they liked best about the previous preparations. Also ask yourself what events or preparations proved more stressful so you can avoid them. It is best if you think back on what made your holidays special minus the stress so these can be recreated.
* Designate roles during the holidays,and Homeo Age do.. There is no reason why you have to do everything during the holidays. There are also people in your home that could be asked to do things. Designate roles and functions so that you will have less worries.
* Set your limits accordingly. If you think that limitations should be implemented on the gifts that you should buy or the foods that you should prepare, then you have to set these and tell the people around you about them. If you go by these limitations, there will be less pressure for you to meet everyone's expectations about the food and the gifts.
There are also other ways to avoid holiday stress. These include limiting the number of people that you should invite to your parties, restricting the frequency of attending holiday events, organizing your gift list, and eliminating long distance visits that may have been stressful for you in the past. Doing so may enable you to enjoy your holidays more with your family and friends.